EHS Recruitment in Ontario
QEOSH Staffing & Recruitment is a recognized leader in Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) Search & Recruitment in Ontario. As we brace for a future where EHS talent attraction is more important than ever, our health, safety & environmental search and recruitment consultants play a strategic role to design and execute the most effective approach.
We establish an EHS search and recruitment objectives and execution process that aligns with the strategic objectives of our hiring clients.
As an exclusive Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) search & recruitment agency, and OHS industry experts, we personalize our health and safety search and recruitment strategy to drive business impacts.
Industry Expert EHS Recruiters in Ontario
Our Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) search and recruitment consultants also have in-depth knowledge of the provincial (Ontario) occupational health and safety Act and regulations and other health and safety requirement specific to Ontario.
We integrate an EHS competency and credential evaluation in our screening and selection process that is unique to each hiring client and their business sector. The environmental, occupational health and safety (EHS) verification practice minimizes the risks associated with hiring decisions and helps our hiring clients to proceed with confidence.
We also know that it takes more than EHS technical expertise to drive safety cultural change and deliver desired outcomes; therefore, personality and leadership assessments are also a core aspect of our EHS recruitment offering.
We empower our hiring clients with a customized EHS search and recruitment support that is sector-specific and offers access to one of the largest Environmental, Occupational Health and Safety professional network connections.
Our team provides local EHS Search & recruitment services throughout Ontario; We have served our hiring clients with their environmental health & safety search and & recruitment all across Greater Toronto Area including:






Richmond Hill






At QEOSH, every client is important, and each EHS search & recruitment project is also unique. We focus on building relationships that earn an endorsement and proudly have served many clients from various sectors, including Construction, Transportation, Warehousing, Manufacturing, Oil & Gas, Utilities, Higher Education, Mining, and Healthcare sectors.
What makes EHS search & recruitment different in Ontario?
Many different business sectors operating in Ontario face growing compliance demands related to workplace injuries and are required to apply their sector-specific regulations under the Ontario Occupational & Safety Acts and Regulations.
The occupational health & safety Act and regulations set the minimum requirements, and many businesses from all sectors go beyond proactively preventing work-related injuries.
Consumer expectations for social responsibility are also more significant than ever. Securing public confidence means placing a health and safety management system at the heart of a sound business strategy.
The role of environmental health and safety professionals also has evolved beyond simple compliance. A wide range of competencies and skills are needed to maximize their impact and the value they bring to the company.
Whether they have an internal talent acquisition and recruitment team or not, searching and securing the right EHS talent can be a challenging task, especially in today’s volatile market.
When searching and recruiting for environmental health & safety (EHS) professionals in Ontario, our technical evaluation process varies slightly from other provinces, considering the Ontario-specific occupational health and safety regulations and legislative requirements.
In particular, the occupational health and safety legislations are slightly different; for instance, In Ontario, as per the minimum requirement set by the provincial occupational health and safety act, the Joint health & safety committee (JHSC) must meet at least once every three months. In contrast, in the province of Alberta, the JHSC meetings must take place at least once in each calendar month.
As we execute our EHS competency and technical evaluation, we consider these legislative expectations.
In Addition, there are hiring clients federally regulated but also based in Ontario. The EHS candidates are expected to have technical knowledge of the Provincial (Ontario) occupational health and Safety Act and regulations and the Canada Labor Code part II applicable to federally regulated companies.
Furthermore, the forcing authorities and available resources are also different; we ensure our EHS candidates are familiar with and know where to access information and help if needed.
QEOSH Drives Value as Your Designated EHS Recruitment Agency
Environmental, health, and safety (EHS) search & recruitment (EHS) with QEOSH is result-driven, and you will land on your desired outcome. We have built a reputable position in the quality, environmental, Health, and Safety search & recruitment industry and have an extensive network of EHS professional connections across Ontario; we have the capacity to find the right active and passive Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) job seekers from all over Ontario in a shorter period.